When most people think of privacy breaches, they picture hackers or cybercriminals infiltrating their systems to steal data and compromise networks. However, a privacy breach encompasses all kinds of unauthorized access—including actions from staff...
In May 2018, the European Union launched the : a new directive with the ability to fine a company up to 4% of global revenues for failing to safeguard...
Bitcoin was introduced into the global market in 2009 and changed the way we conduct business forever. Before the era of the blockchain, all currenci...
Summer’s almost over and you still haven’t gone on vacation. Everyone around you seems to be enjoying themselves. But it’s your turn now. Is you...
But guess what: your liability and cyber exposure remain firmly planted on YOUR ground. Your organization is responsible for safeguarding all data and...
In Canada, summer is synonymous with construction—both in our streets, and in our homes. The nice weather makes summer the opportune time to replace...
The ice has melted on the lakes, signifying that cottage season is near. To different Canadians, a cottage means different things. For some, it conjur...
You know that moment of panic when you think you forgot to save your work? Well, what if you lost all of your work? And not just your work. Your lap...