When it comes to cybercrime, Cyber Insurance is one of the most important tools you can have in your arsenal to protect your business. But while a ded...
The number of records stored online continues to grow every day, and with it, the threat of privacy breach. Personal health information (PHI) is among...
From medical histories to social security numbers to banking information, all healthcare organizations, regardless of size or specialty, collect, stor...
In this day and age, backing up data is a standard practice. But just how secure is your backup? While your company might have a local, onsite backup ...
So you’ve had a cyber incident. Maybe you’ve found a in your server. Or your were stolen. Or there’s malware lurking in your system. Either way,...
Human error is one of the leading causes of . According to , insider threats are now more common than external ones, with 4 of the top 6 risks caused ...
The last few years have seen the rise of bug bounty hunters: security researchers who find software bugs for a fee, rather than exploiting them. Most ...
Hackers are more aggressive than ever. Traditionally, cybercriminals would only encrypt data before seeking a ransom. But in a move popularized by the...
In a digital age, more and more healthcare services are moving online. From electronic patient logs to virtual counselling to an increasing array of m...