

How to Keep Employees Cyber-Safe While Working From Home

As the global COVID-19 outbreak worsens, organizations are scrambling to keep their employees safe and their businesses running. Companies have had to...

March 30, 2020

Will Business Insurance respond to COVID-19?

Our global societies are under attack. COVID-19 delivers the combination of infectiousness and mortality that the world has not seen in over a century...

March 15, 2020

Travelling Outside Canada? Did You Know That OHIP No Longer Provides You With Coverage?

It’s been a rough winter. Between the cold, wind, and snow, it’s the perfect time for a warm getaway. You pack your bags and head to Costa Rica on...

February 25, 2020

Only 50% of Canadians Know What to Do After a Car Accident: Do You?

There’s no denying it—whether it’s a fender-bender or a major collision, car accidents can be scary. But as hard as it is to go through an accid...

February 24, 2020

Data Security & Privacy Breaches: What Mortgage Brokers Need to Know!

Mortgage Brokers and Administrators are among the most valued members of the financial services industry. That’s the good news. The bad news? Cyberc...

February 20, 2020
Graphic to represent claims information from PROLINK

The 5 W’s (and H) of Disability Insurance

What’s your most valuable asset? Is it your home or your car? Maybe it’s an investment or a rare collector’s item. Well, what about your earning...

January 29, 2020

Privacy Breaches: Over 28 Million Canadians Affected in the Last 12 Months!

The latest reports are in, and privacy breaches are on the rise across the country. Some of the most alarming stats? Over have been affected by a priv...

January 23, 2020
Graphic to represent PROLINK's home, auto, life, health insurance program for association members.

To Bundle or Not to Bundle: Should I Buy Home & Auto Insurance Together?

You need Home Insurance and you need Auto Insurance. So why not bundle them together? Bundling is when you purchase multiple insurance products from a...

January 22, 2020
Graphic to represent Professional Insurance Program for Kinesiologists, Members of the CKA

If healthcare is free, why do I need Health Insurance?

Oh, Canada—it’s the land of free healthcare, right? Not quite. Yes, government plans provide access to all basic and medically necessary doctorsâ€...

October 28, 2019

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