In a digital age, more and more health care services are moving online. From electronic patient logs to virtual counselling and an increasing array of...
When you’re running your own business, it can be hard to separate your personal life and your professional life. Your day-to-day operations may be k...
The health sector has long been a frequent and favoured target of attackers. And with the transition to virtual care, cybercrime against healthcare pr...
The consensus is in: . While most of us are no strangers to fatigue and anxiety, the pandemic has exacerbated our stresses like never before. Most peo...
It’s only been a month and experts are already calling the Log4j vulnerability one of the . Given the prevalence of Log4j software, it’s impossibl...
The Log4j vulnerability sent shockwaves throughout the entire cybercommunity when it was discovered in December 2021. Since then, organizations have b...
Thinking of starting your own business? You’ve probably got a long to-do list. You’ll need to figure out your name, your logo, your colours, your ...
It’s not easy running a business. We all know how aggressive clients can be—but employees can be equally as unpredictable. When tensions run high ...
You have a new patient, a teenage boy whose parents are in the middle of a high-conflict separation. Common life experiences allow you to quickly buil...