Is Your Household Cyber-Safe?
February 24, 2022

As our lives become increasingly digital, it’s more important than ever to make sure that your household is protected from cyberattack. Cybercrime and identity theft rates in Canada more than doubled from 2016 to 2020 during the global pandemic. And it’s not just corporations that are vulnerable to privacy breaches—digital crime against individuals and families is on the rise, which means that your home could be targeted too.

How can you protect yourself?
Think of it this way: if you or your family members use personal devices for shopping, banking, socializing, gaming, education, or anything online really, you’re at risk from a variety of personal cyber threats, including online fraud, identity theft, malware attacks, and phishing scams. And if you do become the victim of a cyber incident, getting your life back on track afterwards can take a huge financial and emotional toll.
That’s why PROLINK recommends Cyberboxx™: Home Edition, a comprehensive personal cyber insurance plan designed to help individuals and families recover from cybercrime. If your personal information is compromised in a cyberattack, Cyberboxx™: Home Edition will provide incident response, data recovery, and identity restoration services, as well as coverage for other digital threats like cyber extortion, cyberbullying, lost wallet assistance, and more.
RELATED: Four Reasons Not to Get Identity Theft Insurance (and Why You Shouldn’t Listen to Them)
Do you shop online?
You have accounts on several of your favourite e-commerce sites. For convenience, you have used the same username and password for each account and saved your name, address, and credit card numbers. However, you’re unaware that one of these sites has recently experienced a data leak, allowing attackers to access several of your accounts across different sites using the same password. When you review your bank statements and find a string of purchases that you didn’t make, you realize that your credit card information has been stolen.
Cyberboxx™: Home Edition will cover the costs incurred by cyber fraud incidents up to the policy limit. Additionally, an Equifax Premier Membership is automatically included with every plan to protect you from potential identity theft. That means if your identity is compromised, a dedicated Identity Restoration Specialist will work on your behalf to help get you back to pre-theft status.
Do you store important data on a personal device?
You have years worth of memories stored on your smartphone—photos, videos, documents, and countless other important personal files. As you’re walking through a crowded area, your phone and wallet are pickpocketed without you noticing. A few days later, you receive an email; the thief is withholding access to your device and threatening to destroy your data unless you provide them with a ransom payment.
Cyberboxx™: Home Edition will provide you with an Incident Response team, including your own breach coach, security experts, and privacy lawyers, to help you contain cyber extortion incidents. Plus, Cyberboxx™: Home Edition also offers lost wallet assistance and will help you cancel and reissue your stolen cards and ID in a timely manner.
Are your children active online?
You discover that your child has been the target of online harassment from classmates, who are spreading rumours and negative comments about them. Your child is distraught and you immediately notify the school administration and local authorities.
In the wake of a cyberbullying incident, Cyberboxx™: Home Edition will cover the costs of mental health counselling, temporary private tutoring, relocation to a different school, professional cybersecurity consultation services, as well as any legal expenses, including those relating to the removal of online content.
Want to stay ahead of cyber threats?
As cybercrime reaches an all-time high, Cyberboxx™: Home Edition can give you the confidence that comes with knowing your household is digitally secure, so that you can focus on living your life. With over 40 years in the insurance business, you can count on PROLINK to provide you with the care and coverage you need to feel protected online.
To learn more, connect with PROLINK today!
PROLINK’s blog posts are general in nature. They do not take into account your personal objectives or financial situation and are not a substitute for professional advice. The specific terms of your policy will always apply. We bear no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or timeliness of any external content.
How can Cyberboxx™: Home Edition can help you?
Do you use social media?
You receive a direct message that contains an attachment from a friend. Since the message is from a trusted source, you open the attachment. Unbeknownst to you, your friend’s social media account was recently hacked, and the attackers have sent malicious attachments to their most frequent contacts. Once opened, the malware quickly spreads across your computer and corrupts all your files and software.
Cyberboxx™: Home Edition will provide coverage for costs associated with the data recovery process after a malware or phishing attack, including reformatting your hard disk, restoring your backups, and reinstalling any infected software applications.